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Keith Wilson, a RLS Visionary

In the history of Rockford Lutheran, one of the most influential visionaries of all is Mr. Keith Wilson. Always a consummate educator, Mr. Wilson envisioned a K-12 system where students would be surrounded by people who know them and have a stake in their future. He was a Board member at Lutheran in the early 80s before becoming the Superintendent. In fact, it was Mr. Wilson who first saw the advantages of a system of Lutheran education in the Stateline. 

He opened Rockford Lutheran Academy with two campuses, one at Gloria Dei and one at Alpine Lutheran. He introduced the preschool program into the Rockford Lutheran service portfolio. But above all, Mr. Wilson was a father figure and mentor to countless young people who could not have attended Lutheran without his support. After leaving Lutheran, Mr. Wilson stayed close to the school and had active roles at Concordia and Alpine. His vision and lists of accomplishments created a lasting legacy for our school.

Even though Mr. Wilson has since passed on to his Heavenly home, his legacy at Rockford Lutheran continues on. Many of the faculty members he hired, the buildings he designed, our Million-dollar Foundation, and the scholarship he established, which bears his name, continue serving students and families today. 

The Sader Spirit Award

To honor his legacy, The Sader Spirit Award is presented annually in recognition of the high school athlete who best exemplifies team spirit and a positive attitude. The award honors a player who is enthusiastic, proud of their team, and motivated to help the team succeed. This athlete exemplifies Mr. Wilson's focus on a Christian attitude, even in the face of loss and adversity.

Humble Beginnings Expands to Decades of Lutheran Education

Rockford Lutheran School was founded as an exciting option for families seeking more for their families and children's education. Through many decades, our doors have remained open to youth of all faiths and origins who value academic challenges and exploring God-given talents. Our goal? To develop well-rounded students well suited for college and life as solid citizens.

1964 - 1971

Launched in 1964 as a ninth-grade pilot program of a large Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) school, the school evolved into an association of LCMS congregations and purchased its current North Alpine site. As the demographics of Rockford changed, its feeder schools could no longer support a Lutheran high school. The enrollment began to decline, and financial pressures began to mount. At this point, the association voted to expand to include ALC and LCA (predecessors of the ELCA) congregations. A new outreach to the community was initiated. The situation stabilized, and growth began. By 1974, enrollment at the high school grew to 182 students, ten full-time instructors, and three part-time instructors.

Early 1980's

The exciting steps of expansion came during an extreme financial crisis. Declining enrollment in Lutheran feeder schools and a demand note on the 1971 building program created a critical financial situation. The Lutheran community rallied to prevent the doors from closing by contributing $300,000 to keep the Lutheran school ministry alive. That initiated a new era for the Lutheran High School Association of the Greater Rockford Area. The Junior High continued to flourish, feeding the expanding high school program. When discussion in the local public district raised the possibility of a K-5 elementary program, a 6th grade was added to the Junior High, inaugurating a 4-6 Intermediate program.

1982 Expansion

The new educational ministry was expanded to junior high beginning with 7th grade. The school's ministry expanded by including new churches with the association of the American Lutheran Church (ALC) and Lutheran Church of America (LCA), developing a pan-Lutheran foundation for the ministry to youth.


Great interest in the development of the lower grades led to the formulation of a K-12 educational concept, resulting in the opening of Luther Academy at Gloria Dei. This major expansion of Rockford Lutheran was directed by a visionary, Keith Wilson. America's first ELCA-LCMS primary school opened its doors to 101 K-4 students on August 25, 1993.  This program now includes a Pre-K-5 program.  


Presently, Lutheran Senior High (9-12), Junior High (6-8), and Rockford Lutheran Elementary (PreK-5) are spearheading the growth of the Lutheran education system in the Northern Illinois area.  This is viewed as the broadest, most effective means by which the church can minister to the needs of families in this area.  The need for Christ-centered, value-based education continues to be great.  The harvest is indeed plentiful; the possibilities, infinite; the rewards, eternal. 

Major Milestones